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April Lunch and Learn Series

Are you ready to take control of your financial, business, or professional growth? Look no further than our upcoming Lunch & Learn series in April! We invite home owners and mortgage professionals alike to take advantage of this excellent opportunity for free lunch and invaluable knowledge from industry experts.

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Join us on April 2 for our special First Time Home Buyers Guide session. Navigate the Journey to Homeownership with Confidence and gain industry insights from our experienced speakers.

Join us on April 9 for Effective Strategies for Building Your Brand for Small Business Owners. Elevate your brand identity and take your business to the next level.

Unlock key industry insights on April 16th as we unveil Demystifying Appraisals For Real Estate Agents. Get an inside view of the appraisal process and elevate your understanding to new heights.

Finally, on April 30th, join us to discover the Succeeding with Building Codes - Ensuring Compliance and Successful Inspections session. Ensure your projects are up to code and boost compliance for successful inspections.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain invaluable knowledge and network with industry leaders. Register for our Lunch & Learn series today - and take the next step towards your professional growth and success!